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Sony Xperia Z3+ and the Z4 Tablet getting Marshmallow as well
Terbaru 2017
- Hay gaes kali ini team BBM Sudoku Team, kali ini akan membahas artikel dengan judul Sony Xperia Z3+ and the Z4 Tablet getting Marshmallow as well, kami selaku Team BBM Sudoku Team telah mempersiapkan artikel ini untuk sobat sobat yang menyukai BBM Sudoku Team. semoga isi postingan tentang yang saya posting kali ini dapat dipahami dengan mudah serta memberi manfa'at bagi kalian semua, walaupun tidak sempurna setidaknya artikel kami memberi sedikit informasi kepada kalian semua. ok langsung simak aja sob
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Sony Xperia Z3+ and the Z4 Tablet getting Marshmallow as well
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Sony Xperia Z3+ and the Z4 Tablet getting Marshmallow as well
Terbaru dan Terlengkap 2017
#Sony started rolling out the#
Android 6.0 #
Marshmallowupdate for its #
XperiaZ5 lineup yesterday
. The company has now announced the rollout of the update for the #XperiaZ4Tablet as well as the #XperiaZ3+ from mid-2015. The update should arrive over-the-air or OTA, so make sure you’re on the lookout for Marshmallow if you own any of the aforementioned devices.The update will bring Google Now on Tap, Doze Mode as well as advanced control over notifications. Some Sony specific changes will be onboard as well. Since all models offered are unlocked and off contract, we don’t think there will be a lot of waiting to do to see Android 6.0 on your Xperia Z3+ or the Z4 Tablet.
The Xperia Z3+ and the Xperia Z4 Tablet are not the most popular devices from the company. But it’s very refreshing to see that Sony keeps them supported with the latest updates.
Already seeing the update? Let us know.
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